We use a variety of high-quality, hypoallergenic waxes to accommodate different skin types and ensure a comfortable and effective waxing experience. Our waxes include hard wax, soft wax, and strip wax.

Eyelash extensions typically last between 3-4 weeks, depending on your natural lash cycle and the care you take of them. We recommend regular touch-up appointments to maintain the fullness and volume of your lashes.

It is best to avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanner for at least 24 hours before your appointment. Also, please do not apply lotions, oils, or any other products to the area to be waxed before your appointment.

We recommend avoiding oil-based products, water, and excessive heat exposure on the first 24 hours after the application. It is also important to use a clean brush to comb through your lashes daily, and to avoid rubbing or pulling on them.

After waxing, it is important to avoid sun exposure, hot showers, and exfoliating for 24-48 hours. For eyelash extensions, avoid getting them wet for the first 24 hours, avoid using oil-based products near the eyes, and brush through them daily to keep them looking neat.

The frequency of waxing depends on your hair growth and personal preferences. For most people, we recommend scheduling appointments every 4-6 weeks.

Some discomfort is normal during a waxing session, but our technicians use high-quality wax and techniques to minimize pain. Eyelash extensions are applied individually and should not cause any pain.

If you have any questions or concerns that were not addressed above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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